Photographien aus dem Dorfleben der 50er Jahre
by various photographers
Photographs: Georg Eurich
Publisher: Wartberg Verlag
Year: 1993
ISBN: 9783861341086
Comments: hardcover, very good condition
Seit 1948 dokumentiert Georg Eurich mit seiner Kamera Land und Leute. Von seinen unzähligen Streifzügen durch die Dörfer seiner Heimat, die er anfangs zu Fuß oder mit dem Fahrrad erkundete, brachte er so viele außergwöhnliche Aufnahmen mit, wie sie über die fünfziger Jahre heute in kaum einem Fotoarchiv zu finden sind.Der Leser wird beim Blättern in diesem Band mit einer Zeit konfrontiert, die zwar schon vierzig Jahre zurückliegt, aber in der Erinnerung noch so nah ist. Für einen Großteil der heute in unserer Region lebenden Menschen verbinden sich mit diesen Bildern Kindheits- und Jugenderinnerungen. Es ist Georg Eurichs Verdienst, diese für uns wieder lebendig werden zu lassen.
More books by various photographers
The History of European Photography 1900- 1938
by various photographers
sold out -
Nein, Onkel
by various photographers
sold out -
By Now
by various photographers
Euro 38.50 -
Nosotros - Un álbum colectivo del barrio de Lavapiés
by various photographers
Euro 20 -
by various photographers
sold out -
Big Zep
by various photographers
Euro 31.90 19.14 -
Welcome to the Machines
by various photographers
sold out -
Hundewege. Index eines konspirativen Alltags
by various photographers
sold out -
Main Street
by various photographers
sold out -
Witty Kiwi Mag: Issue 1
by various photographers
sold out -
Witty Kiwi Mag: Issue 2
by various photographers
sold out -
Luxus der Einfachheit: Lebensformen jenseits der Norm
by various photographers
sold out -
This Place
by various photographers
sold out -
Camera Austria International 39/1992
by various photographers
Euro 45 -
Photography Now!
by various photographers
Euro 36 -
The Declaration of Photo-Secession Tokyo
by various photographers
sold out -
Another Language: 8 Japanese Photographers
by various photographers
sold out -
Looking In, Looking Out: Latin American Photography
by various photographers
Euro 54 -
The theory of a naked body
by various photographers
Euro 22 -
by various photographers
sold out -
Imageless Magazine Issue 4 : New Chinese Photographer
by various photographers
sold out -
Altertrue Magazine Issue 1:Wild
by various photographers
Euro 55 -
Everyday Africa
by various photographers
sold out -
Asphalt VI
by various photographers
Euro 25 -
Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation Prize 2017
by various photographers
Euro 39 -
Spring Tide
by various photographers
sold out -
Photobook Phenomenon (last copy)
by various photographers
sold out -
Lost Places - Orte der Photographie
by various photographers
sold out -
CLAP! 10x10 Contemporary Latin American Photobooks
by various photographers
sold out -
Positionen künstlerischer Photographie in Deutschland seit 1945
by various photographers
sold out -
A Day in the Life of California
by various photographers
Euro 30 -
Die grossen Fotografinnen
by various photographers
sold out -
Unseen London
by various photographers
sold out -
by various photographers
Euro 100 -
by various photographers
Euro 50 -
The History of European Photography 1939-1969
by various photographers
Euro 108.90 -
The History of European Photography 1970-2000
by various photographers
sold out -
East London Photo Stories (Compilation Book)
by various photographers
sold out -
Paradise Street: The lost art of playing outside
by various photographers
sold out -
Portrait of Britain
by various photographers
sold out -
Czech and Slovak Photo Publications 1918–1989
by various photographers
sold out -
Nature Morte - Stillleben in der zeitgenössischen Kunst
by various photographers
sold out Euro 49.90 19.96 -
Sociologia (Eta. Enciclopedia tematica aperta)
by various photographers
Euro 75 52.50 -
Debuts 2014
by various photographers
sold out -
Weltsensationen im Bild
by various photographers
Euro 25 10.00 -
Format Festival 2013
by various photographers
Euro 18 -
Wahre / Ware Kunst - Kunst aus Hamburger Galerien
by various photographers
Euro 25 -
Merian Portugal (used)
by various photographers
sold out Euro 15 6.00 -
EMOP Looking for the clouds catalogue 2016/17
by various photographers
Euro 24 12.00 -
22. Month of photography catalogue 2012
by various photographers
Euro 24 12.00 -
Camera Austria Zeitschrift für Fotografie 14
by various photographers
Euro 24 12.00 -
Camera Austria Zeitschrift für Fotografie 38
by various photographers
sold out -
James Dean - in his own words
by various photographers
Euro 26 13.00 -
Lithuanian Photography Yesterday & Today' 12 / Lietuvos fotogr...
by various photographers
Euro 50 35.00 -
Spuren der Fantasie - Die Freude am Schönen (slightly damaged)
by various photographers
Euro 30 12.00 -
Das Bild vom Wald - Erfolgsmodell mit rauer Schale
by various photographers
Euro 30 12.00 -
Regata Do Infante
by various photographers
Euro 95 76.00 -
Eyes on - Monat der Fotografie Wien / Month of Photography Vienna
by various photographers
Euro 25 12.50 -
PhotoResearcher No. 21
by various photographers
Euro 12 6.00 -
Making History
by various photographers
Euro 29.80 17.88 -
Timeshow 5
by various photographers
Euro 21 -
Nein, Onkel (last copy)
by various photographers
Euro 165 -
Nein, Onkel (review copy)
by various photographers
Euro 165 132.00 -
Fotografia. Nuove produzioni 2020 per la Collezione Roma
by various photographers
Euro 77 -
World Press Photo: New Stories
by various photographers
sold out Euro 49 24.50 -
Memorial Mario Giacomelli
by various photographers
Euro 22 -
GeoExtra #2: Sehen, Wahrnehmen Fotografie
by various photographers
Euro 50 30.00 -
PopCap 14 - The contemporary african Photography Prize
by various photographers
Euro 15 12.00 -
by various photographers
Euro 50 40.00 -
i saw the air
by various photographers
Euro 33 -
PHOTO BOOK '.RAW Story of Changes of Ukrainians and Army
by various photographers
sold out -
What The Fuck!! vol.2
by various photographers
sold out -
What The Fuck!!
by various photographers
sold out -
Das Buch der Bahn - Geburtstagsausgabe 1987
by various photographers
Euro 20 12.00 -
The Information Front: Volume One
by various photographers
Euro 20 -
The Information Front: Volume Two
by various photographers
Euro 20 -
Röportaj 2. Hikayeler, Geschichten, Stories
by various photographers
Euro 65 -
Masterworks of industrial photography / Capolavori della fotog...
by various photographers
Euro 95 -
by various photographers
Euro 66 -
LUNGO I MARGINI DEL MONDO (signed + vinyl)
by various photographers
Euro 89.90 -
Noboru Ueki & Yūshi Kobayashi of the K.P.S. (Kyoto Photography...
by various photographers
Euro 25 -
Latvian Photography Yearbook 2012
by various photographers
Euro 15 12.00 -
Fifteen Artists - Galerie Raum mit Licht
by various photographers
Euro 12
more books tagged »historical« | >> see all
Passeggiata napoletana (signed)
by Arturo Zavattini
Euro 36 -
One Picture Book #100: Souvenirs (book + print)
by Gloria Katz
Euro 49 -
A Photographic Discovery
by Regina Maria Anzenberger
Euro 99.90 -
Austrian Documentary Photography
by Regina Maria Anzenberger
Euro 75 -
Lebenszeichen (signed)
by Christine de Grancy
Euro 85 -
Ferdinand Schmutzer - A Photographic Discovery (review copy)
by Regina Maria Anzenberger
Euro 75 60.00
more books tagged »Germany« | >> see all
DEEPER SHADES #05 Berlin (signed)
by Andreas H. Bitesnich
Euro 70 -
Ich war hier (signed)
by Andreas Frei
Euro 39 -
Strange Encounters (last copy)
by Thomas Hoepker
sold out -
by Achim Lippoth
Euro 48 33.60 -
Topography of Quiet
by Bastienne Schmidt
sold out -
LAND (signed)
by Laura Van Severen
sold out
more books tagged »black and white« | >> see all
Reverse series #1: Someone speak for me
by Pasquale Autiero & Frederico Azevedo
Euro 19 -
by John Divola
sold out -
by Gregor Schmoll
Euro 26 -
Rester - collector's edition (book+print)
by Laurent Chardon
Euro 88 -
Billy Monk
by Billy Monk
Euro 38 30.40 -
Behind the Glass (signed)
by Alexandra Catiere
sold out
more books tagged »German« | >> see all
Leichtes Gepaeck (signed - last copy)
by Olaf Unverzart
sold out -
Typology 1979
by Joachim Brohm
sold out -
ALP (first edition - signed)
by Olaf Unverzart
sold out -
Portfolio (signed)
by Janina Simone Kulcsar
sold out -
Visionaire No. 23: The Emperor's New Clothes
by Karl Lagerfeld
sold out -
Dona Maria and her Dreams (last two copies)
by Horst A. Friedrichs
Euro 75 60.00
Random selection from the Virtual bookshelf
Photographien aus dem Dorfleben der 50er Jahre
by various photographers
Photographs: Georg Eurich
Publisher: Wartberg Verlag
Year: 1993
ISBN: 9783861341086
Comments: hardcover, very good condition
Seit 1948 dokumentiert Georg Eurich mit seiner Kamera Land und Leute. Von seinen unzähligen Streifzügen durch die Dörfer seiner Heimat, die er anfangs zu Fuß oder mit dem Fahrrad erkundete, brachte er so viele außergwöhnliche Aufnahmen mit, wie sie über die fünfziger Jahre heute in kaum einem Fotoarchiv zu finden sind.Der Leser wird beim Blättern in diesem Band mit einer Zeit konfrontiert, die zwar schon vierzig Jahre zurückliegt, aber in der Erinnerung noch so nah ist. Für einen Großteil der heute in unserer Region lebenden Menschen verbinden sich mit diesen Bildern Kindheits- und Jugenderinnerungen. Es ist Georg Eurichs Verdienst, diese für uns wieder lebendig werden zu lassen.
More books by various photographers
The History of European Photography 1900- 1938
by various photographers
sold out -
Nein, Onkel
by various photographers
sold out -
By Now
by various photographers
Euro 38.50 -
Nosotros - Un álbum colectivo del barrio de Lavapiés
by various photographers
Euro 20 -
by various photographers
sold out -
Big Zep
by various photographers
Euro 31.90 19.14 -
Welcome to the Machines
by various photographers
sold out -
Hundewege. Index eines konspirativen Alltags
by various photographers
sold out -
Main Street
by various photographers
sold out -
Witty Kiwi Mag: Issue 1
by various photographers
sold out -
Witty Kiwi Mag: Issue 2
by various photographers
sold out -
Luxus der Einfachheit: Lebensformen jenseits der Norm
by various photographers
sold out -
This Place
by various photographers
sold out -
Camera Austria International 39/1992
by various photographers
Euro 45 -
Photography Now!
by various photographers
Euro 36 -
The Declaration of Photo-Secession Tokyo
by various photographers
sold out -
Another Language: 8 Japanese Photographers
by various photographers
sold out -
Looking In, Looking Out: Latin American Photography
by various photographers
Euro 54 -
The theory of a naked body
by various photographers
Euro 22 -
by various photographers
sold out -
Imageless Magazine Issue 4 : New Chinese Photographer
by various photographers
sold out -
Altertrue Magazine Issue 1:Wild
by various photographers
Euro 55 -
Everyday Africa
by various photographers
sold out -
Asphalt VI
by various photographers
Euro 25 -
Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation Prize 2017
by various photographers
Euro 39 -
Spring Tide
by various photographers
sold out -
Photobook Phenomenon (last copy)
by various photographers
sold out -
Lost Places - Orte der Photographie
by various photographers
sold out -
CLAP! 10x10 Contemporary Latin American Photobooks
by various photographers
sold out -
Positionen künstlerischer Photographie in Deutschland seit 1945
by various photographers
sold out -
A Day in the Life of California
by various photographers
Euro 30 -
Die grossen Fotografinnen
by various photographers
sold out -
Unseen London
by various photographers
sold out -
by various photographers
Euro 100 -
by various photographers
Euro 50 -
The History of European Photography 1939-1969
by various photographers
Euro 108.90 -
The History of European Photography 1970-2000
by various photographers
sold out -
East London Photo Stories (Compilation Book)
by various photographers
sold out -
Paradise Street: The lost art of playing outside
by various photographers
sold out -
Portrait of Britain
by various photographers
sold out -
Czech and Slovak Photo Publications 1918–1989
by various photographers
sold out -
Nature Morte - Stillleben in der zeitgenössischen Kunst
by various photographers
sold out Euro 49.90 19.96 -
Sociologia (Eta. Enciclopedia tematica aperta)
by various photographers
Euro 75 52.50 -
Debuts 2014
by various photographers
sold out -
Weltsensationen im Bild
by various photographers
Euro 25 10.00 -
Format Festival 2013
by various photographers
Euro 18 -
Wahre / Ware Kunst - Kunst aus Hamburger Galerien
by various photographers
Euro 25 -
Merian Portugal (used)
by various photographers
sold out Euro 15 6.00 -
EMOP Looking for the clouds catalogue 2016/17
by various photographers
Euro 24 12.00 -
22. Month of photography catalogue 2012
by various photographers
Euro 24 12.00 -
Camera Austria Zeitschrift für Fotografie 14
by various photographers
Euro 24 12.00 -
Camera Austria Zeitschrift für Fotografie 38
by various photographers
sold out -
James Dean - in his own words
by various photographers
Euro 26 13.00 -
Lithuanian Photography Yesterday & Today' 12 / Lietuvos fotogr...
by various photographers
Euro 50 35.00 -
Spuren der Fantasie - Die Freude am Schönen (slightly damaged)
by various photographers
Euro 30 12.00 -
Das Bild vom Wald - Erfolgsmodell mit rauer Schale
by various photographers
Euro 30 12.00 -
Regata Do Infante
by various photographers
Euro 95 76.00 -
Eyes on - Monat der Fotografie Wien / Month of Photography Vienna
by various photographers
Euro 25 12.50 -
PhotoResearcher No. 21
by various photographers
Euro 12 6.00 -
Making History
by various photographers
Euro 29.80 17.88 -
Timeshow 5
by various photographers
Euro 21 -
Nein, Onkel (last copy)
by various photographers
Euro 165 -
Nein, Onkel (review copy)
by various photographers
Euro 165 132.00 -
Fotografia. Nuove produzioni 2020 per la Collezione Roma
by various photographers
Euro 77 -
World Press Photo: New Stories
by various photographers
sold out Euro 49 24.50 -
Memorial Mario Giacomelli
by various photographers
Euro 22 -
GeoExtra #2: Sehen, Wahrnehmen Fotografie
by various photographers
Euro 50 30.00 -
PopCap 14 - The contemporary african Photography Prize
by various photographers
Euro 15 12.00 -
by various photographers
Euro 50 40.00 -
i saw the air
by various photographers
Euro 33 -
PHOTO BOOK '.RAW Story of Changes of Ukrainians and Army
by various photographers
sold out -
What The Fuck!! vol.2
by various photographers
sold out -
What The Fuck!!
by various photographers
sold out -
Das Buch der Bahn - Geburtstagsausgabe 1987
by various photographers
Euro 20 12.00 -
The Information Front: Volume One
by various photographers
Euro 20 -
The Information Front: Volume Two
by various photographers
Euro 20 -
Röportaj 2. Hikayeler, Geschichten, Stories
by various photographers
Euro 65 -
Masterworks of industrial photography / Capolavori della fotog...
by various photographers
Euro 95 -
by various photographers
Euro 66 -
LUNGO I MARGINI DEL MONDO (signed + vinyl)
by various photographers
Euro 89.90 -
Noboru Ueki & Yūshi Kobayashi of the K.P.S. (Kyoto Photography...
by various photographers
Euro 25 -
Latvian Photography Yearbook 2012
by various photographers
Euro 15 12.00 -
Fifteen Artists - Galerie Raum mit Licht
by various photographers
Euro 12
more books tagged »historical« | >> see all
Passeggiata napoletana (signed)
by Arturo Zavattini
Euro 36 -
One Picture Book #100: Souvenirs (book + print)
by Gloria Katz
Euro 49 -
A Photographic Discovery
by Regina Maria Anzenberger
Euro 99.90 -
Austrian Documentary Photography
by Regina Maria Anzenberger
Euro 75 -
Lebenszeichen (signed)
by Christine de Grancy
Euro 85 -
Ferdinand Schmutzer - A Photographic Discovery (review copy)
by Regina Maria Anzenberger
Euro 75 60.00
more books tagged »Germany« | >> see all
DEEPER SHADES #05 Berlin (signed)
by Andreas H. Bitesnich
Euro 70 -
Ich war hier (signed)
by Andreas Frei
Euro 39 -
Strange Encounters (last copy)
by Thomas Hoepker
sold out -
by Achim Lippoth
Euro 48 33.60 -
Topography of Quiet
by Bastienne Schmidt
sold out -
LAND (signed)
by Laura Van Severen
sold out
more books tagged »black and white« | >> see all
Reverse series #1: Someone speak for me
by Pasquale Autiero & Frederico Azevedo
Euro 19 -
by John Divola
sold out -
by Gregor Schmoll
Euro 26 -
Rester - collector's edition (book+print)
by Laurent Chardon
Euro 88 -
Billy Monk
by Billy Monk
Euro 38 30.40 -
Behind the Glass (signed)
by Alexandra Catiere
sold out
more books tagged »German« | >> see all
Leichtes Gepaeck (signed - last copy)
by Olaf Unverzart
sold out -
Typology 1979
by Joachim Brohm
sold out -
ALP (first edition - signed)
by Olaf Unverzart
sold out -
Portfolio (signed)
by Janina Simone Kulcsar
sold out -
Visionaire No. 23: The Emperor's New Clothes
by Karl Lagerfeld
sold out -
Dona Maria and her Dreams (last two copies)
by Horst A. Friedrichs
Euro 75 60.00
Random selection from the Virtual bookshelf
Photographien aus dem Dorfleben der 50er Jahre
by various photographers
Photographs: Georg Eurich
Publisher: Wartberg Verlag
Year: 1993
ISBN: 9783861341086
Comments: hardcover, very good condition
Seit 1948 dokumentiert Georg Eurich mit seiner Kamera Land und Leute. Von seinen unzähligen Streifzügen durch die Dörfer seiner Heimat, die er anfangs zu Fuß oder mit dem Fahrrad erkundete, brachte er so viele außergwöhnliche Aufnahmen mit, wie sie über die fünfziger Jahre heute in kaum einem Fotoarchiv zu finden sind.Der Leser wird beim Blättern in diesem Band mit einer Zeit konfrontiert, die zwar schon vierzig Jahre zurückliegt, aber in der Erinnerung noch so nah ist. Für einen Großteil der heute in unserer Region lebenden Menschen verbinden sich mit diesen Bildern Kindheits- und Jugenderinnerungen. Es ist Georg Eurichs Verdienst, diese für uns wieder lebendig werden zu lassen.
More books by various photographers
The History of European Photography 1900- 1938
by various photographers
sold out -
Nein, Onkel
by various photographers
sold out -
By Now
by various photographers
Euro 38.50 -
Nosotros - Un álbum colectivo del barrio de Lavapiés
by various photographers
Euro 20 -
by various photographers
sold out -
Big Zep
by various photographers
Euro 31.90 19.14 -
Welcome to the Machines
by various photographers
sold out -
Hundewege. Index eines konspirativen Alltags
by various photographers
sold out -
Main Street
by various photographers
sold out -
Witty Kiwi Mag: Issue 1
by various photographers
sold out -
Witty Kiwi Mag: Issue 2
by various photographers
sold out -
Luxus der Einfachheit: Lebensformen jenseits der Norm
by various photographers
sold out -
This Place
by various photographers
sold out -
Camera Austria International 39/1992
by various photographers
Euro 45 -
Photography Now!
by various photographers
Euro 36 -
The Declaration of Photo-Secession Tokyo
by various photographers
sold out -
Another Language: 8 Japanese Photographers
by various photographers
sold out -
Looking In, Looking Out: Latin American Photography
by various photographers
Euro 54 -
The theory of a naked body
by various photographers
Euro 22 -
by various photographers
sold out -
Imageless Magazine Issue 4 : New Chinese Photographer
by various photographers
sold out -
Altertrue Magazine Issue 1:Wild
by various photographers
Euro 55 -
Everyday Africa
by various photographers
sold out -
Asphalt VI
by various photographers
Euro 25 -
Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation Prize 2017
by various photographers
Euro 39 -
Spring Tide
by various photographers
sold out -
Photobook Phenomenon (last copy)
by various photographers
sold out -
Lost Places - Orte der Photographie
by various photographers
sold out -
CLAP! 10x10 Contemporary Latin American Photobooks
by various photographers
sold out -
Positionen künstlerischer Photographie in Deutschland seit 1945
by various photographers
sold out -
A Day in the Life of California
by various photographers
Euro 30 -
Die grossen Fotografinnen
by various photographers
sold out -
Unseen London
by various photographers
sold out -
by various photographers
Euro 100 -
by various photographers
Euro 50 -
The History of European Photography 1939-1969
by various photographers
Euro 108.90 -
The History of European Photography 1970-2000
by various photographers
sold out -
East London Photo Stories (Compilation Book)
by various photographers
sold out -
Paradise Street: The lost art of playing outside
by various photographers
sold out -
Portrait of Britain
by various photographers
sold out -
Czech and Slovak Photo Publications 1918–1989
by various photographers
sold out -
Nature Morte - Stillleben in der zeitgenössischen Kunst
by various photographers
sold out Euro 49.90 19.96 -
Sociologia (Eta. Enciclopedia tematica aperta)
by various photographers
Euro 75 52.50 -
Debuts 2014
by various photographers
sold out -
Weltsensationen im Bild
by various photographers
Euro 25 10.00 -
Format Festival 2013
by various photographers
Euro 18 -
Wahre / Ware Kunst - Kunst aus Hamburger Galerien
by various photographers
Euro 25 -
Merian Portugal (used)
by various photographers
sold out Euro 15 6.00 -
EMOP Looking for the clouds catalogue 2016/17
by various photographers
Euro 24 12.00 -
22. Month of photography catalogue 2012
by various photographers
Euro 24 12.00 -
Camera Austria Zeitschrift für Fotografie 14
by various photographers
Euro 24 12.00 -
Camera Austria Zeitschrift für Fotografie 38
by various photographers
sold out -
James Dean - in his own words
by various photographers
Euro 26 13.00 -
Lithuanian Photography Yesterday & Today' 12 / Lietuvos fotogr...
by various photographers
Euro 50 35.00 -
Spuren der Fantasie - Die Freude am Schönen (slightly damaged)
by various photographers
Euro 30 12.00 -
Das Bild vom Wald - Erfolgsmodell mit rauer Schale
by various photographers
Euro 30 12.00 -
Regata Do Infante
by various photographers
Euro 95 76.00 -
Eyes on - Monat der Fotografie Wien / Month of Photography Vienna
by various photographers
Euro 25 12.50 -
PhotoResearcher No. 21
by various photographers
Euro 12 6.00 -
Making History
by various photographers
Euro 29.80 17.88 -
Timeshow 5
by various photographers
Euro 21 -
Nein, Onkel (last copy)
by various photographers
Euro 165 -
Nein, Onkel (review copy)
by various photographers
Euro 165 132.00 -
Fotografia. Nuove produzioni 2020 per la Collezione Roma
by various photographers
Euro 77 -
World Press Photo: New Stories
by various photographers
sold out Euro 49 24.50 -
Memorial Mario Giacomelli
by various photographers
Euro 22 -
GeoExtra #2: Sehen, Wahrnehmen Fotografie
by various photographers
Euro 50 30.00 -
PopCap 14 - The contemporary african Photography Prize
by various photographers
Euro 15 12.00 -
by various photographers
Euro 50 40.00 -
i saw the air
by various photographers
Euro 33 -
PHOTO BOOK '.RAW Story of Changes of Ukrainians and Army
by various photographers
sold out -
What The Fuck!! vol.2
by various photographers
sold out -
What The Fuck!!
by various photographers
sold out -
Das Buch der Bahn - Geburtstagsausgabe 1987
by various photographers
Euro 20 12.00 -
The Information Front: Volume One
by various photographers
Euro 20 -
The Information Front: Volume Two
by various photographers
Euro 20 -
Röportaj 2. Hikayeler, Geschichten, Stories
by various photographers
Euro 65 -
Masterworks of industrial photography / Capolavori della fotog...
by various photographers
Euro 95 -
by various photographers
Euro 66 -
LUNGO I MARGINI DEL MONDO (signed + vinyl)
by various photographers
Euro 89.90 -
Noboru Ueki & Yūshi Kobayashi of the K.P.S. (Kyoto Photography...
by various photographers
Euro 25 -
Latvian Photography Yearbook 2012
by various photographers
Euro 15 12.00 -
Fifteen Artists - Galerie Raum mit Licht
by various photographers
Euro 12
more books tagged »historical« | >> see all
Passeggiata napoletana (signed)
by Arturo Zavattini
Euro 36 -
One Picture Book #100: Souvenirs (book + print)
by Gloria Katz
Euro 49 -
A Photographic Discovery
by Regina Maria Anzenberger
Euro 99.90 -
Austrian Documentary Photography
by Regina Maria Anzenberger
Euro 75 -
Lebenszeichen (signed)
by Christine de Grancy
Euro 85 -
Ferdinand Schmutzer - A Photographic Discovery (review copy)
by Regina Maria Anzenberger
Euro 75 60.00
more books tagged »Germany« | >> see all
DEEPER SHADES #05 Berlin (signed)
by Andreas H. Bitesnich
Euro 70 -
Ich war hier (signed)
by Andreas Frei
Euro 39 -
Strange Encounters (last copy)
by Thomas Hoepker
sold out -
by Achim Lippoth
Euro 48 33.60 -
Topography of Quiet
by Bastienne Schmidt
sold out -
LAND (signed)
by Laura Van Severen
sold out
more books tagged »black and white« | >> see all
Reverse series #1: Someone speak for me
by Pasquale Autiero & Frederico Azevedo
Euro 19 -
by John Divola
sold out -
by Gregor Schmoll
Euro 26 -
Rester - collector's edition (book+print)
by Laurent Chardon
Euro 88 -
Billy Monk
by Billy Monk
Euro 38 30.40 -
Behind the Glass (signed)
by Alexandra Catiere
sold out
more books tagged »German« | >> see all
Leichtes Gepaeck (signed - last copy)
by Olaf Unverzart
sold out -
Typology 1979
by Joachim Brohm
sold out -
ALP (first edition - signed)
by Olaf Unverzart
sold out -
Portfolio (signed)
by Janina Simone Kulcsar
sold out -
Visionaire No. 23: The Emperor's New Clothes
by Karl Lagerfeld
sold out -
Dona Maria and her Dreams (last two copies)
by Horst A. Friedrichs
Euro 75 60.00
Random selection from the Virtual bookshelf