HUNDERT (signed)

by Olaf Unverzart

Photographs: Olaf Unverzart

Text: Tobias Haberl

Publisher: Fountain Books Berlin

128 pages

Pictures: 83 (color)

Year: 2016

Price: 33

Comments: Hardcover, first limited edition of 800, 16 x 22 cm

For the book HUNDERT photographer Olaf Unverzart returns to its Upper Palatinate homes to portray the 100th years of his grandmother. Unverzart unfolds in intimate close-ups of centenarians and landscapes the life reality of his protagonist. Accompanying the images Tobias Haberl has compiled a record of conversations with ignorance Zarts grandmother. As the images also vary their words between pragmatism and poetry.

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HUNDERT (signed)

by Olaf Unverzart

Photographs: Olaf Unverzart

Text: Tobias Haberl

Publisher: Fountain Books Berlin

128 pages

Pictures: 83 (color)

Year: 2016

Price: 33

Comments: Hardcover, first limited edition of 800, 16 x 22 cm

For the book HUNDERT photographer Olaf Unverzart returns to its Upper Palatinate homes to portray the 100th years of his grandmother. Unverzart unfolds in intimate close-ups of centenarians and landscapes the life reality of his protagonist. Accompanying the images Tobias Haberl has compiled a record of conversations with ignorance Zarts grandmother. As the images also vary their words between pragmatism and poetry.

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HUNDERT (signed)

by Olaf Unverzart

Photographs: Olaf Unverzart

Text: Tobias Haberl

Publisher: Fountain Books Berlin

128 pages

Pictures: 83 (color)

Year: 2016

Price: 33

Comments: Hardcover, first limited edition of 800, 16 x 22 cm

For the book HUNDERT photographer Olaf Unverzart returns to its Upper Palatinate homes to portray the 100th years of his grandmother. Unverzart unfolds in intimate close-ups of centenarians and landscapes the life reality of his protagonist. Accompanying the images Tobias Haberl has compiled a record of conversations with ignorance Zarts grandmother. As the images also vary their words between pragmatism and poetry.

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